Saturday, May 5, 2018

The Spectacle, the Margins & the Sublime - Music to a Sparse Crowd

One of the most poignant things in the world is sublime music presented to a sparse crowd. A Eugene Chadbourne cassette drove this home for me. On it, he sings Elton John's "Daniel" in his twangy, imperfect voice to a barroom crowd whose chatter and glass clinking is practically as loud as his performance. Chadbourne's earnest singing meeting the indifferent sounds of the bar crowd is heartbreaking and beautiful, telling us so much about the journey of the artist and her relationship to society.
In this clip of the elusive Pell Mell live, the crowd is not indifferent -- they are very present and appreciative– but there is still the poignancy of a few people in a record store seeing/hearing music of this caliber. So often, what is not spectacle In this society remains marginal. But its meaning Is not diminished by this; perhaps it is even strengthened by it.
Music starts at the two minute mark.