Sunday, February 13, 2022

"Don't Tell Me How to Live" by Kid Rock - The Trump-o-fascist Anthem

The new song by Kid Rock is the the manifesto for Trump-o-fascist movement. It presents, better than any political tract ever could, the core beliefs in selfishness, vanity and the contemptuous rejection of all social conscience and responsibility. It is the cry in the wilderness of the American settler colonialist entering the Cumberland Gap in 1800 and screaming, as Kid Rock does in the chorus, "Ain't nobody gonna tell me how to live!" Manhood as an eternal teenage bender. Manhood as monad. Politics and citizenship means to jet into the heavens on a rocket in the shape of a giant hand flipping the bird. In the end, for Kid Rock and Trump-o-fascism, there is only the self - the self and a gigantic fuck you to every attempt to ask it to care.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

O grande desafio do artista é viver

O grande desafio do artista é viver - viver e não sucumbir à loucura, à autodestruição e à morte precoce. Os dons da criatividade, da imaginação livre e do fluxo constante de ideias são muitas vezes associados com a instabilidade emocional e a vulnerabilidade, a mania e o desespero. Acredito que essa dualidade pode ser gerenciada e a autodestruição pode ser evitada. No entanto, esta tarefa hercúlea muitas vezes não é percebida nem falada com franqueza.

A maioria dos dons do artista é irrelevante para o mercado e o mercado serve como uma espécie de deus misterioso de admiração e reverência em nossa sociedade. Consequentemente, conselhos práticos sobre como viver como artista são escassos - simplesmente não somos importantes o suficiente. Somos também vistos como ameaça à brutal ordem estabelecida. E assim morremos jovens. Somos vencidos pelo outro lado do dom artístico.
Mas não precisa ser desse jeito. Quando reconhecemos que a criatividade, por sua natureza, contém as sementes da própria destruição, podemos aprender a estar preparados para as tempestades. Podemos desenvolver hábitos e habilidades para limitar a duração, a frequência e a intensidade delas. Podemos ser práticos. Podemos viver guiados pelo amor-próprio e não pelo senso de inferioridade e autodestruição tantas vezes romantizadas pela própria arte.

-- DH 1/22, traduzido do ingles com Martha Maria Costa


You were unhappy. Your body had problems. You would stop walking to massage your feet. This was worse when you were carrying socks full of coins to buy a sandwich and coffee. But you could always talk to the homeless. They were open and friendly. The sun would rocket down through the western sky like a stone of fire and leave the city cold. The café had a parquet floor and strange coffee - muddy, approaching sour. Men and women at tables writing, noise music, zines, outbursts of sound from the punk kids drinking cups of water and everyone lightheaded with so much longing. Your upstairs neighbor played "Shoot Out the Lights" loudly. You became friends. He was more beautiful than you and the women you met preferred him. Another neighbor was an old German immigrant, named Horst, who left his keys in the door. This was more convenient. The tree outside the lead paned windows flowered white and pale yellow in the spring. The couple who owned the turreted building watched business channels on cable TV, tracking their investments. You didn't have any skill or any persistent interest in money, so you vacillated between feeling superior and inferior to the landlords, Bob and Nancy.

Friday, February 4, 2022

No Mast High Enough, No Bridge Too Old: The Void of Bezos

At this point, it is predictable, "normal" when land-water-sky-plant species-animal species-community-peoples-cultures-the self-the soul are sacrificed on the altar of profit. That anti-rite been playing out in its current form for 500 years. It is shocking, and emotionally devastating, but almost tedious or monotonous at this point. Among the many extremes to get normalized under such circumstances, is the vast dead plain that inhabits the land of the soul in ultra-rich individuals (and even those of us aspiring to be them). That's what I thought of upon learning of this latest Bezos Excess™. Only when the simple calm and joy of walking down a snowy path in the morning or reading a poem with a cup of coffee or having a long conversation with a friend has been internally obliterated and rendered unavailable to a person, do humans engage in such idiocy and excess. There is no yacht with masts high enough and there are not enough historic bridges in the world for Jeff Bezos to deconstruct that could replace what has been abandoned inside of him. Likely, only a gesture that is the opposite - maybe sitting at a picnic table in a public park, looking at dandelions and feeling the breeze – could ever begin to repopulate the rubble within Jeff Bezos.