Friday, February 27, 2015

On the Non-randomness of Mass Shootings in the United States

 Mass shootings in the United States are not at all "random."  On the contrary, they happen regularly and consistently.  People go berserk not inexplicably, but because they exist in environments with insufficient love, support and meaning.  They exist in environments ruled by market values, by the deification of the commodity and, finally, they exist in environments defined by the commodification of the human soul.  In such a context, people will continue to go berserk and commit such atrocities. 

 Also in such a context, politicians' declarations of shock and expressions of grief ("... we will keep the family in our thoughts and prayers..") hold no actual meaning.  If they meant these words, they would be seeking to transform this country into a place that exists within the larger community of life of the planet and  into a place that values human to human and human to non-human relationships over  commercial transactions.

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