Sunday, July 3, 2016

The Perfect Dictatorship or The Perfect Dystopia?

Gabriel Garcia Marquez famously referred to the 70-year rule of Mexico by the PRI as "the perfect dictatorship." There was the façade of a democracy, there were elections but - somehow - the PRI always won, throughout the country. It is obvious to anyone paying attention and anyone who is not in denial that "the perfect dictatorship" now resides in the United States. There is the façade of democracy, there are elections but - somehow - the same policies are continued, election cycle after election cycle with the same results: a devastated climate system, increased inequality, a gulag archipelago of prisons, and a perpetual (and unironically titled) War on Terror. This is unsurprising: the two parties serve the same masters. And we are expected to wave the flag every Fourth of July and pay our taxes with a smile and vote for the candidate who is, we hope, "less evil." It appears that the United States of America is also the perfect dystopia - one in which the omnicidal agenda of the elites is voted on by its victims and always wins.

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