Friday, January 8, 2021

The End Approaches

Donald could drop dead at any moment. All of these lunatic autocrat psychos appear immortal until they're not. It reminds me how a Jesuit priest who taught at my high school remarked that he could stay healthy all semester and then when break came, he would get zapped with a real bad cold or the flu. Or the addict who drinks and pops pills for 30 years and is finally able to quit and the sheer shock to the system of that purging of toxins knocks them into The Unknown like a bolt of lightning. The orbit Orphan Maker began in the early 2000s with his Apprentice con show reached its apex with his presidency and now Donald has a maximum of 12 days left until the final credits roll on that shit show. Donald looks to be headed for the mother of all emotional crashes. And his physical carapace for his enterprise of soul theft will crash alongside his spirit. He's been scrambling like a roach from Raid spray trying to dodge it, but the end approaches for his reign of idiocy. There is no greater portrait of emptiness and despair than a narcissist whose con has crashed. I reckon the wretched fool has two years left on his mortal contract, maximum. More likely, Donald will buy the farm within a year and his movement will decline greatly, as it is utterly focused and dependent upon his unique brand of unctuous, dime store cologne charisma.

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