Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Replacement: The Tucker Carlson Variations


Tucker Carlson sold his heart
During a boring meeting in New York
Distant are the days when He would watch goldfinches
In the 1970s La Jolla sun
Before he became “Tucker Carlson” on TV


He seeks a replacement
For his heart But for now only has The chittering laugh
Of a creature reeling yellow-eyed Beneath a bad moon


Or Tucker's heart was lost slowly
Fading away reducing
Something vicious said for a dime
Something cruel ok'd in his mind
Always another ladder to climb Or cracked bell to chime

Tucker Carlson stays
One step ahead of something
He doesn't know quite what
Nothing a glib quip A droll look
Cannot solve
He thinks


Or Tucker Carlson's heart
Suddenly vanished poof!
This can't be real he thought
Hearts don't
Just disappear
He thought

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