Monday, July 19, 2021

"It Was Worth It" (a monologue)

It was worth it. You know what? Getting Netflix, highways and cars, big houses, grocery stores, a.c., factories, cheap shit from across the world, abundant hamburgers and cold cuts, first person shooter video games, cool personal guns and planet-masticating weapons, streaming porn, cool sneakers, yachts, personal smart phones, and fast planes that can fly you from Milwaukee to Paris for a nice dinner was... worth it... Fuck it. I'm not ashamed to say.

If I had to do a pro/con assessment, I'd have to say, living this way, in this 21st-century "first world" lifestyle has been so great, has been so overwhelmingly blissful, so... almost... celestially blissful, that, yeah... if we go the way of the dodo and if we take a few billion more species down with us and if all that's left of this great ole place in a hundred years is just ash swirling in bubbling, soupy rubble... Then you know what, I still say: It was worth it. God dammit!

Because we lived free. We were free, god dammit. And if the price we had to pay was to end up like the guy who wears a barrel with suspenders who's stuck inside of a wind storm howling through the Oklahoma plains forever... Well then, fuck it. We did it. And if I could coin a phrase from good ole Frank Sinatra... we did it our way.

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