Wednesday, August 25, 2021

The Politics of Cuelty

He felt as if he couldn’t escape the politics of cruelty. It was like a vast, urine-soaked sheet draped across the continent.

The gratuitous cruelty of the internet jagoff.
The lowbrow, flamboyant cruelty of Donald.
The paycheck, crew cut cruelty of the tv “military expert.”
The stumbling and sputtering cruelty of the “proud boy.”
The high school essay cruelty of the right-wing news chud.
And it was all so embarrassing. To see men try to project an aura of strength, but transmit such idiocy - like watching a toddler take a crap in a sandbox.
Charlie Watts died yesterday. He thought how there was more grace in one of his bass-drum-to-snare hits than one of these fools would manage in a lifetime.

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