Thursday, August 15, 2024

Where Did You See Bob Kaufman?

Where did you see Bob Kaufman? (3x)
I saw him down by the city gates
He was strumming on a paperclip banjo
He was painting the sunset yellow
He had an orange in his hand and a rose in his mouth
He had an opium poppy necklace
Where did you see Bob Kaufman?
I saw him down by the city gates
Where did you see Bob Kaufman? (3x)
I saw him standing on the desert sand
He was tracking a coyote’s pawprint
He was dreaming on a peyote button
I saw him swimming in the stream of a canyon
I saw him grinning with the eyes of a falcon
Where did you see Bob Kaufman?
I saw him standing on the desert sand
Where did you see Bob Kaufman? (3x)
I saw him down on the ocean floor
He was wearing an iridescent halo
Hanging on the fin of a narwal
I saw him sleeping in a cave made of coral
I saw him speaking in the tongues of the animals
Where did you see Bob Kaufman? (3x)
I saw him down on the ocean floor

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