Monday, July 15, 2024

Pennsylvania Twilight

Buckling into the multiple
Blue arms of the guards
Moments unspool across
The rusted coils of his mind
Unhappy father grimace
Through a real estate mustache
A millipede climbing the side
Of a construction site shack
Apartment towers reflected
In a moonlit puddle
And the moment of the first lie
"I didn't take the fiver!"
Shouted across the kitchen
Toward mom by the blender
Suddenly there were two worlds
This one & the one he made up
And if they didn't believe him
It didn't matter
He would believe it
Or pretend to
And this would cause some of them
To change their minds
"To stop wildfires
Vacuum the forests"
Do they really believe
This shit
"The source of your pain
Is the workers toiling
In sun seized fields
And boiling kitchens"
The world is what I say it is
He thought
It's the grand gestures I do
He thought
Accordion move arms
In a boxy blue suit
Red tie like the tongue
Of a panting dog
A maudlin fist pumped to the air
In the Pennsylvania twilight

Friday, July 12, 2024

A Friend


She said all she did in Santa Cruz

Was smoke pot and watch birds



Los Angeles twilight
Long roads curve into haze
Faces seen through car windows
A chopper distantly above
Planes gliding down into the city
Cameras recordings two-way mirrors
Overpasses convenience stores scrapyards
Forrest talked about Neil McCauley
Like he was a spy in the realms
Of a fallen world
A quiet man who could blend in
Anonymous but familiar
Solving problems
On missions pointed toward
Eventual freedom



Read a poem
By Will Alexander
("you understand this
to be in the infinity
of your heart")
And imagine someone
Reading it in 500 years
When all this is gone
Gone the concrete
Gone on the asphalt
Gone the blinking metal
Gone the bombs exploding
A hot & fertile peace
Wraps the land
Someone maybe human
Finds Will's book
Still caked
With the calcified chocolate
And caramel traces
From when it stood on my shelves
Next to melted candy
And can't believe
He lived side-by-side
With necrotic crazed
Men & women
Racing toward oblivion
What a strange & sad place
The world must have been
-- dh, summer solstice 2024

Gen Gaza


Generation trauma
Generation amputee
Generation rage
Generation scar
Generation orphan
Generation dust grave
Generation targeted
Generation sacrificed
Generation dehydration
Generation sun-wasted
Generation without anesthesia
Generation without home
Generation trapped
Generation tent city bombed
Generation scream
Generation tremors
Generation nightmare engine
Generation poison container
Generation terror eyes
Generation explosive resin
Generation toxic powder
Generation scorched bricks
Generation melted plastic
Generation obliterated school
Generation unlivable days
Generation hunger
Generation starve
Generation soul light persists
Won't die



the loss of one soul
a 27-year-old suicide from Cairo
her novel unpublished
a migrating butterfly dying of thirst
contains all the meaning in the world
the scale of sadness
over the death of one
the individual infinite
in peace
and in war

A Palestinian Mother Watches the Debates