Monday, April 22, 2024

on the ground, khan younis


a bird perched on rebar
scattered stuffing from a mattress
wooden slats from the bed frame
a graduation photograph
a white burst in the corner
the difference between absence
and chaos
impossible to discern
the sky briefly peaceful
then three jets race overhead
sounds like rusty chains
yanked through gravel
brown dust and white plaster
a smart phone
with shattered screen
and plastic pink casing
pick up the photo
and turn it over
names are written
and a date

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Different Ways of Surviving Indifference


As American as the band who made it
Is the band
Who barely started
Before injury
(No health insurance)
Ended it
Discovering poetry is anti-American
On the walk from the apartment to the café
Toting a gym sock of coins
A second self is born
To diverge
And navigate roads you'd have taken
He is distant
As impossible to glimpse
As the second self
Of the Andean rebel -
Made to flee to Bolivia
To the States finally -
Who traverses mountain pathways
In a second world
Where time is divided differently
The land the second self
Moves through is not ours
But we collide with it
At times
In our dreams
And the other I
Looks at us
But not indifferent

April 15 Tax Day


Taxes for bombs
Bombs for bodies
Bodies for graves
Graves for memories
Memories for people
People for places
Places for living
Living for singing
Singing for longing
Longing for time
Time to stop
Or even reverse
Bombs in their casings
Sent back through the foundries
Metals to mountains
Mountains to gaze at
In quiet
Just birdsong

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Meditation, Bass


Vonnegut tried meditation
But gave up because
"Nothing happened"
The man who played electric bass
The way a buffalo charges
The way a moray eel strikes its prey
Told me about Zen madness
When Westerners contemplate
And it only brings them
The void
He wondered if he had it
He told me once
He took a tab of acid
Wandered the streets
And saw some unsettling movie
Had a scar had formed
On the tissues of his brain
He asked
My mother brought me home
From the Vonnegut talk
Breakfast of Champions paperback
Autographed with a drawing
Of an asshole
Which was liberating
The bass player persevered
Monkish appearing
In 2 AM diners
Playing in bands
Waist-length hair
Coiled under a dark cap
Which he let down
Only when dancing
Beats paced
With strobe flashes
His movements seen
Like the landscape
In a lightning storm

2024 Poem


England has lost 33%
Of its earthworms
And I'm losing
My mind

Querido Pendejo


Querido pendejo
Señor Cabrónfeo
Tú que me has despertado
Toda madrugada
Año tras año
Con un golpe sónico
Metálico como el ala
De un dinosaurio volador
Fabricado en los intestinos
De un infierno olvidado
En un plano del universo
Carente de la luz
Tejiendo en los senderos
De mis nervios
Una bilis fosforescente
Que pinta mis mañanas
De un grito ácido
Una explosión automotor
Que enrolla mi cabeza
En un papiro escrito
En símbolos caóticos
Las marcas de un gallo
Envenenado por capricho
Tú que arrancas
El motor de tu Mustango
Como el dedo cortado
De un gigante derrotado
Caído en el valle
Que se acerca al gatillo
De la pistola
Cubierta de arena
Para disparar una última vez
Y matar por la última vez
Alguna criatura inocente
Bebiendo agua dulce
En la noche iluminada
Por una sola estrella
Haciendo añicos
Del silencio ancestral
Tú que arrancas
El motor malvado
De tu Mustango
De los sueños
Como un viento
Caliente que viene
Del norte presagiando
La perdición
Eres el castigo
Por un acto desconocido
Te maldigo no para que
Te vuelvas hasta más infeliz
Y sufrido
Sólo para que desaparezcas
Volando y aterrizando
En tu mundo ataúd
Hecho del ruido puro
Dejando mis sueños
En el reino de sus túneles

The Pearly Gates

Man arrives at gates
Greets St. Pete
Says is this the complaint department
Are you the guy I blame
For having to spend my life working
No time for friends family love
Health art thriving bliss nature
Not even time for god
I mean if god is energy
And the life force
And everything
Shot through with light
And darkness
Not a guy on a throne
St. Pete goes poof!
And the man
Finds himself
Back at square one

Poemas Mi Cumple, Quinta Década


Poema Mi Cumple, 2024
Cumplo los 57
Estudiando la historia del dios
Y lo que era antes
Y antes de eso y antes de eso
Llego al punto en que vislumbro
Los varios dioses que eran
Sus compañeros
Figuras formidables
Que él finalmente

Poema Mi Cumple, 2023
Cumplo los 56
Trabajando de noche
Como marinero en las aguas
De las preposiciones
La puntuación no duerme
Mi destino ya estaba determinado

Poema Mi Cumple, 2020 Cumplo los 53
We gotta get outa this place
Pues eso yo pensaba
Trabajando tiempo completo
Perdido en los caminos interminables
De los suburbios occidentales

Poema Mi Cumple, 2018

Cumplo los 50
Entrando en la tormenta
Pasillos que terminan
En puertas encerradas
Un guardia que me vigila
Hasta que yo salga
De la zona de la fatiga
De la energía

Not Yet Departed

Rebar pokes out of the dirt
The sleeve of a windbreaker
Streaked with mud
Earth is piled on one end
Beside a portion of metal gate
Arched on top like a headstone
Or is it a trellis where
Vines once climbed
Hospital wards
Staircases lobbies & elevators
Surrounding the grave
Exist in the past tense
He didn't realize how detailed
How thorough you must be
Killing people is never enough
And even that is complicated
All must be vanished
To say it never was
These things he thought
Lying 6 inches beneath
The surface of the dust & rubble
No longer here
But not yet ready to leave
Not yet departed

Bad Cop, Bad Cop

JB signs a bill sending more
2-ton bombs to found
Kingdoms of dust & pain
Republican pastor Rep
Says "It should be like Nagasaki
And Hiroshima.
Get it over with quick"
Those zeroed in on
As the object of our technologies
Aren't really real
They're ideas
That dissolve in a moment
As when the mind turns
From thoughts of a meeting
To thoughts of lunch
JB and Rep Tim from Michigan
Share a giggle as they piss
Side-by-side in a DC john
Two dull souls
Distracted and vain
Tipsy they think
We fucked up the routine a bit
Didn't we?
One of us gotta play the good one
To make it work