Thursday, August 15, 2024

Another History

John Smith lands at Jamestown
Columbus at Hispaniola
Something happened to each of them
Along the way
Maybe the sight of a spouting whale
Or a dream had in the sunlight on the deck
With a sea lion instructing to "touch the wolf"
What is the wolf?
It is that which troubles you
That from which you flee
Maybe it was a melody contained in the mast
In harmony with the groaning ship's wheel
In the tempo of waves slapping the hull
Something dislodged in each of them
The idiot errand sailing for spices gold
Land to steal and then populate with slaves
And slave masters
Has dissolved from the creases of their minds
And reaching the shore and seeing
The sands the rocks the forest the people
The scampering animals
Sensing the florid breeze
All that Christopher Columbus
All that John Smith feels
Is awe
Is wonder
Is ecstasy
Is Earth gratitude

Them & You


Childless pet-less
Sometimes even pathless
I wander dream write teach
Try not to litter
Try to be kind patient thoughtful
Try not to eat shitty food
Make friends lose friends
Love family fight with family
The world is full of people
Who want you to be something less
Than what you are
Why do they want this for you
I don't know

Still Hearing (for Marco Escalante)


Still hearing Philip Glass Mishima
On dorm room vinyl 1986
Still listening to Ry Cooder Paris, Texas
With Dunkin' Donuts dawn aroma
Rising up Maine Street 1987
Still the chimes from The Third Man zither
Zigzagging the streets of Vienna
After the war in black and white
Cassette from Glendale, California 1988

Maybe America


Maybe America
Is too strange
Too cruel
Maybe life birthed
From space debris
Coalescing and cooling
Is responding as it must
Even the plants
Who eat light & drink water
Hurt sometimes
Living light years away
From something that may be
Their kin

Where Did You See Bob Kaufman?

Where did you see Bob Kaufman? (3x)
I saw him down by the city gates
He was strumming on a paperclip banjo
He was painting the sunset yellow
He had an orange in his hand and a rose in his mouth
He had an opium poppy necklace
Where did you see Bob Kaufman?
I saw him down by the city gates
Where did you see Bob Kaufman? (3x)
I saw him standing on the desert sand
He was tracking a coyote’s pawprint
He was dreaming on a peyote button
I saw him swimming in the stream of a canyon
I saw him grinning with the eyes of a falcon
Where did you see Bob Kaufman?
I saw him standing on the desert sand
Where did you see Bob Kaufman? (3x)
I saw him down on the ocean floor
He was wearing an iridescent halo
Hanging on the fin of a narwal
I saw him sleeping in a cave made of coral
I saw him speaking in the tongues of the animals
Where did you see Bob Kaufman? (3x)
I saw him down on the ocean floor

"Vacation All I Ever Wanted"


When your time is not your own
When you rent yourself to others
For days weeks decades
And suddenly have free time
You don't know what to do
Ex cons know this
They learn how to do time
Not how to pass time
Or even kill time
Doing time
Years of regimented boredom
And not permitting time to kill you
When suddenly
They are on the street
Too many options
Or no options at all
Years of work weeks are like this
Or maybe it's neurosis
Probably both
Well that and other health shit
All three then
But mostly work
Which means extra work
Or else no profit
So extra work hours
Neurosis other health shit
Cuz sporadic insurance
And suddenly some free time
Well not totally free
Because much of it is spent
Worrying about passing hours
Not making money
Mind is preoccupied...
Unteach the mind
To be bound to time
This way
Can I do that
Can you do that
Can we do that

Irish American

(Dan O'Neil front center in sailor cap, Joe Kennedy center back in straw hat)

Joe Kennedy & my grandfather
Are friends in early 1900s Boston
They are two streetcars
Running side-by-side
Until the tracks form a Y
In the chipped cobblestone
And diverge
Joe sends Dan O'Neil
A postcard from Paris
He says he likes it there
Because when you need it
The cops look the other way
Dan drifts through the city
Summers at the city beaches
Nights out with the boys
He's accepted into the police academy
And soon he's mounted on a horse
Looking regal in a black and white photo
Joe is negotiating deals
In East Coast cities
Charming or intimidating or hoodwinking
His way across time
Dan works 12-hour shifts
Sleeps sporadically
In pest-infested barracks
Pays for his own uniform
Joe meets with players
Of questionable character
In the European capitals
Dan & the other Boston cops strike
Governor Calvin Coolidge
Fires them all permanently
Joe's fascist sympathies stall
His dreams of state power
Dan O'Neil meets Julia d'Oliveira
On the sands in the cool blue
Atlantic sunshine
He is 40 & she is 20
Joe's children ascend in society
But early death & misfortune
Are present always
Dan sells insurance door-to-door
Sees the Red Sox when he can
His ten daughters
A Boston sensation
Are in Life magazine
Joe has affairs with movie stars
Works more deals
In New York Los Angeles D.C. London
The Kennedys appear everywhere
It seems and build
A retreat on Cape Cod
Each of them Joe & Dan
Removes a stone
From the hill of their present
It tumbles and rolls
Ricochets into a multitude
Of other rocks which dislodge
And hit more stones
And I am one now bouncing
Into an infinite present
Lines between me and you
Between now and then
Proliferate shift waver

Book Club

Reading Jayne Cortez to Trump

Reading Ginsberg to Netanyahu

Reading Pasolini to JD Vance

Reading Antler to Jeff Bezos

Reading Paulo Leminski to Bolsonaro

Reading Wanda Coleman to Clarence Thomas