Saturday, February 10, 2024



Real people are killed
When people are real
They can be killed
If they are not real
They are not people
And cannot to be killed
But if they are killed
Their artery sliced
By a white hot
Metal shard flying
Their femur crushed
By something whistling oddly
Too swiftly through the air
If they fall and bleed
When they receive a bullet
Between two ribs
Then they are people
Pleasant or unpleasant
Curious or dull
Friendly or grouchy
Not figures sketched by words
Cut out propped up and
Put on a carousel spinning
In the mind
Forms that may flash
Into crackling flames
Ephemeral things
Of no consequence
High quantity non-events
If they stumble
Hurrying down the road
Away from their home
And misunderstand
A loudspeaker command
And stop 8 seconds too late
And take a baton to the brain
And stop moving
If they leave bread in the oven
Because of a dread feeling
In the seventh house
Where they have slept
In 17 days
And trundle down the road
Pushing a stroller
With a jewelry box
Velvet pillows
And a toddler on top
And they become
Hungry and very thirsty
And they learn that
Their destination is also
Receiving missiles
Then they are people
Real people

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