Saturday, March 27, 2021

Jeff Bezos: Greed the Size of the Amazon

Jeff Bezos has made $7 million per hour since the beginning of the pandemic. The primary reason for this is *not* that he is greedy; though he is greedy. The primary reason for this is that Jeff Bezos is operating within a social system that respects, rewards, admires, idolizes, fetishizes and worships people who are greedy-to-the-point-of-being-insane. For all of us, *psychologically,* it is our misfortune to be born into this idiotic and self-destructive culture. For many of us, it is additionally debilitating in terms of our *safety, health, and most basic material well being*... And it's dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb. George Washington: silly. Henry Ford: silly. Trump: silly. Bill Gates: silly. Walt Disney, PT Barnum, Randolph Hearst, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, Nicolas Cage and his 32 houses: silly. Foolish. Absurd.

They won "a game" predicated upon a system of rewards that is the exact opposite of what is historically found in healthy and sustainable cultures. Could there be a more dubious accomplishment? The most cursory survey of history, archaeology or anthropology reveals that cultures which reward avarice and the destruction of nature create great misery and fail catastrophically. We may look at the city where I live. Compare the American culture of the hustle that’s been imposed onto what is now called "Chicago" with the cultures and values of the people who lived here for 10,000 years preceding the arrival of the French and British. It is quite revealing. And it reveals Jeff Bezos to merely be enough of an asshole to take advantage of perhaps the most demented system of values ever assembled within a culture.

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