Tuesday, February 11, 2025


We'll Finally Be Happy
when trans folks have vanished
when queer folks : in closets
when companies : whites only
when women : no vote

We'll Finally Be Happy
when no books but the Bible
when Pope Francis : excommunicatus
when empathy is over
when only we can see doctors

We'll Finally Be Happy
when nature says 'uncle'
when the seas are all molten
when no limits to workweek
when the children : in mines

We'll Finally Be Happy
when Jews live in fear
when Muslims know our hate
when Black people know shame
when we all Nazi salute

We'll Finally Be Happy
when all planets are conquered
when some of us : immortal
when art is reigned in
when their dreams are our dreams

We'll Finally Be Happy
when pollution : no limits
when animals: no rights
when refugees : refused
when the disabled : shut out

When we have all of this
we will finally be happy
when we have all of this
we will finally be happy

for one moment
for one breath

until we need more

- dh 2/25

Sunday, February 9, 2025


Of the ruthless
Of the heart castle-walled
Of the soul space-jettisoned
Of the dull dreams
Of the flat staircase
Of the surface oracle
Of the malconnected
Of the leaving-the-human-arriving-at-zero
Of the doesn't-understand-the-divine-in-the-animal
Of the seeking-the-wrong-god
Of the damned



70,000 years ago
weather events large animals
accidents bad luck
had us down to around 5000
croucheddown in caves
under cliff faces
burrowed into warm sand
we emerged again somehow
some dispersed
caught by the wind
into new lands
and watched the seeds
how they fell
into earth then sprouted
into something strange
bloomed into something magnificent
we told the harvest stories
don't try to be like a god
don't fly too close
to the sun with wax wings
didn't matter
we enslaved people
caged animals
attacked forests
when nothing else was
left to take
it was next
our shining ideas
symphonies written
in hangover states
syncopated calabash rhythms
tapestries necklaces rings
the shape and heft
of a canoe a rowboat
songs sung going to battle
songs sung returning from battle
chinese watercolors
of mountain lands
brief eggshell poems
written about those paintings
your mistakes
your embarrassing photos
your dream journals
at least if they went up into
harvested to sell
back to you
they almost got it all
but i am thinking things now
imagining things now
longing for things now
i will not tell you
and they will never know



Like living in a house with an insane and raging father who hates you and himself and he hates all of creation and his wound was sustained when he was young and it never healed and he never dipped his cut finger into the stream that it might flow cool water over the capillaries and cleanse him and he didn't work washing dishes in the galley that he might learn humility and his wound festered and overtook him and he careens throughout the house projecting his weight his girth all of his sloshing bile and his wound never healed and he never dipped his finger into the cool stream to cool the pain and he stumbled out of the lip of a volcano that was belching a long line of bilious hateful fathers and he lava-flowed across everything and made this house of cooled magma in which we live. break it apart.
No photo description available.


-- DJT on "Truth" Social, 12/19/24

Well not everybody

I want to be the fiend in your nightmare
I want to be the fracture in your bone
I want to be the dander in your eye
I want to be the rat in your home

I want to be the spider on your eyelid
I want to be the hole in your shoe
I want to be the worm in your intestine
I want to be the black in your blue

I want to be the grease on your dance floor
I want to be the glitch in your song stream
I want to be the rock in your cupcake
I want to be the scream in your dream

I want to be the ice on your sidewalk
I want to be the stain on your mind
I want to be the rain on your golf course
I want to be the blight on your vine

- dh
inauguration day 2025



Sno Cone
Head Cleaner
Sun Zoom Spark
(thank you Don Van Vliet)
Israel's Mysterious Beard
The Pearl Buttons
Frisco & Jeff
just were
on the rim
of a canyon
echoing harmony
Boring Films Discorporated
was a phantom
didn't exist
or when it did
the songs at each show
were unwritten
but noted on a set list
and the seal named
swimming in the Casco Bay
heard the music

(photo: art by Jay Moores)



Donald Trump legally changes
His name to Shit Talk
Sneaks across
The Mexico border
Has to climb over
The wall half-built
The sun in the sky like
The iris in the eye of Ivanka
Spinning through space
In a blank Manhattan apartment
People reach down in the rain
Help Shit Talk scramble
Over the ramparts
The intricate streets
Of Ciudad Juarez
On the horizon
Like threaded root networks
Seen with X-ray vision
Through the rusty
Chihuahuan desert mat
Shit Talk straddles creosote brambles
Walks upon the rain shadow plain
Shimmies by the yucca leaf blades
Trips falls turns around
Straightens out still heading
Southeast into the diving sun
15 hallucinations on 15 separate
Patches of sand
Trundling into the wind
A fat Don Quijote
A wounded pilgrim
A scarecrow a tin man
A cowardly lion
Dusty jugs of water
Track shoes a Bible
Scorpion tracks
Can pronghorn antelope speak
Its words like the leap
Of the differential grasshopper
The plop of the spadefoot toad
The creep of the climbing milkweed
Armadillo mesquite breakdown
In the empire of the foothills
Shit Talk whistles through
The parralena the agarita
Wishes upon a star
Or is it a satellite
Or a drone
Or a firetail dragonfly
Flitting in the twilight
Like the thoughts that
Were never his

Tech Bros, Vamps



Band, Walk, Cold




because like douglas adams
elon musk believes knowing
the question is more important
than knowing the answer
but elon musk doesn't know
the question he doesn't even
know the question that might
lead him to the question
or the question that might
lead him even to that
anterior question
and he's not hitchhiking
he's making hideous vehicles
and he's not in the galaxy
he's in a computer
splitting from within
convinced he knows
the question
so all of his
are scorpion

(image: musk deer of Tibet in an 1835 illustration)


The public library In Riverside Illinois
Perched above the river
Like a captain's tower
The maps and manuals
To aid navigation
Are 3000 BC
Mediterranean poems
Nights of lust and wine
Lassitude mornings
Lying in bed
The old poet divines
A line that runs
From the sky
To the cloud
To the rain
To the soil
To the vine
To the grape
To the barrel
To the cup
To the gullet
To the brain
To the dream
To the pen
To the parchment
To the book
to the library
to the shelf
To my hands
To my mind

JAN 1 2025, LINES


Between me now
And the moment
By the footbridge
Over Salt Creek
A bird
Mesozoic wingspan
Sky hunter gaze
Floats the air currents
Above the sodium scent
Stream flow
Lines go
From my eyes
To the heron
From the blue heron
Through the years
To the final
Staggering steps
Of the dinosaurs
In the Illinois mud
This one survived



1. Talk to a kid. You were born wrong because born into the wrong kind. Born fucked up, doomed, damned, dirty. Born bad. Born into the sinister species, the shady species. Bad luck, son. The butterfly, the bird, the bear - not so much. They weren't hatched from foul soil. They're not fallen. But you know something? I know a guy.

2. He's a magic man. Does it remind you of that Heart song? Try try try to understand he's a magic man? Yeah, that's the one, that's the guy. He was like a barefoot wandering jujitsu master. Tramping around the Galilee, singing all the songs with the chickadees. This motherfucker could turn water into wine - but you shouldn't drink that shit you know. This motherfuker could turn water into wine and make the trains run on time in the windmills of your mind. He could shake a stick and make Laz stand upright and gasp. But it wasn't all gravy for our guy. For the Magic Man.

3. Pontificus Maximus had it in for him. You think you got it bad being born into the wrong species? You don't know how good you got it. Pontificus Maximus put a bounty on his head and bloodhounds on his trail. Sprang up on him in a park, middle of the night. Guy named Judas dropped the dime, hung himself the next night.

4. Let's walk you through the stations of the cross. This is his passion. Passionate times for some kind of crimes. What kind of crimes? Well that's a good thing you asked. You're doing good. Passionate times with thorns in the head and a wooden ship on his back and it's heavy as a Volkswagen. Can you imagine walking through the fucked up fellaheen streets of Jerusalem City and they're spitting on you and throwing shit at you, tripping you? You're stumbling, you're puking. They're whipping you like a broke down ox sputtering in the mud.

5. The crimes are yours, buddy. Don't cry. Don't feel bad about it. He took it on for you. Just be grateful. The Magic Man said he was going to do one thing: He was gonna get the ever-loving shit kicked out of him and hang on the mast of a ship between two thieves with nails going through his hands and he was just gonna sit there and groan into the long night. For you.

6. And now cuz he did that, you're good. You're good to go. You made him do it. He did you a favor. They used to sacrifice chicken and goats and shit but it wasn't enough. It was getting ridiculous. He said let's just get this shit over with once and for all. One last big one. Shoot the moon. They strung him up. Mud and rain and shit streaking his hair, getting into his cuts. Yeah, it was gruesome. But he did it for you. He was a good dude, the best dude. And now you owe him everything.