Monday, November 29, 2021

We Are the Ghosts or They Are the Ghosts

We are the ghosts or they are the ghosts. We are or they are. Did we come to haunt them? That I'll not believe. We sold them rifles, gun powder, learned to cure buckskin, built trading posts on the bends of the rivers. We are the ghosts or they are the ghosts. They learned our language and spoke to us beneath the harvest moon, wheat in the barn. We could not appear as apparitions or mist, foul odors that will not relent. "Ink ink a bottle of ink, the cork fell out and you stink." We are the ghosts or they are the ghosts. We did not come bobbing as corks on the eastern horizon one cold Plymouth morning - hazy, shimmering, fading, reappearing. We did not come to haunt them or bring them into our nightmares. "Poor old man, your horse must die, and we say so, and we hope so, Oh poor old man."

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