Sunday, June 23, 2024

On Capitalist Trauma


We were born into a system that rewards the most venal and odious among us with social status and wealth. Anthropologically speaking, then, we are a culture wired to self-destruct. Cultures that persist over time are those with minimal social hierarchy and those that reward wisdom and generosity. We will perhaps never understand the depth of the psychic damage that we've sustained simply by being born in this system that views the wicked as good and kindness as a form of naïveté.
We were born into a system that has performed an act of reverse magic by seeking to convert a world that is sacred into one devoid of all but a monetary value. It has given us a sadness we cannot name. We are left staggering and stumbling about, like a child who's been spun around blindfolded and directed to break the piñata, waving a stick at shadows.

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