Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Poems, Time


I like poems because they don't take long to read
Like today I finished my soup and spinach with yogurt
And read one about a dog
Abandoned by Spanish conquistadors
And left to languish in solitude
Dizzy with the most profound betrayal
Which finally becomes great ferocity
Also a poem about a woman who waits in a plaza
From morning to sunset for her love
Who has crossed the border and gone north
Who does not return
And one about a dream the poet has
Where three women feed him
Some kind of feast of sacrifice
Including "enchiladas sauced in blood"
And potentially poems do not take
As long to write as novels for example
This is good because where does all the time go
Between working and making food and eating it
And stretching and cleaning
I barely have time to finish this one
If I am going to also get a walk
Before teaching
So that my heart
Does not block up and kill me
Before I can finish
All that I must

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